History of Noble County Oklahoma Volume II
The History of Noble County, Volume II is a quality hard bound edition containing 456 pages. Index for volume II.
Chapter I - Before the Run - page 6
- Demographics
- Early History
- A. T. & S. E.
- Lawmen and Outlaws
Chapter 2 - After the Run - page 11
Registrations, proving up or perfecting a claim, Town site in Perry and the Otoe Reservation allotment.
Chapter 3 - Cities, Towns and Communities - page 17
- Noble County Place Names - by Noble County Genealogy Society
- Noble County Towns - by Fred G. Beers
- Otoe City - The Town that Never Was - by Eddetta Beier Grant
- Otoe Switch - by Eddetta Beier Grant
- Red Rock, Oklahoma - by Eddetta Beier Grant
- Richburg, A Short-lived Town in Auburn Township - by Marjorie Martin
Chapter 4 - Businesses, Organizations and Clubs - page 25
- Businesses
- Directories
- 1894 Business Directory Perry, Noble Co., Oklahoma Territory
- 1900 R. G. Dun Business Directories Noble County Towns, Oklahoma Territory
- 1917 R. G. Dun Business Directory Noble County Towns, Oklahoma Territory
- Noble County Courthouses - by Noble County Genealogy Society
- History of the Sheriff's Office of Noble County - by Noble County Genealogy Society & Steve Bunch
- Abstract Companies - by Noble County Genealogy Society
- Powers Abstract Company - by Glenda Mittasch
- Brown-Dugger Funeral Home Perry, Oklahoma - by Richard Dugger
- Dugger Funeral Home Billings, Oklahoma - by Richard Dugger
- Ryerson Nursing Home - by Noble County Genealogy Society
- Perry General Hospital - by Noble County Genealogy Society
- Perry Memorial Hospital - by Noble County Genealogy Society
- Perry Memorial Hospital Auxiliary - by Virginia Slay
- Cockrum Oil Company - by Sandy Cockrum
- Exchange Bank and Trust Co. - by Chuck Hall
- First Bank and Trust - by Noble County Genealogy Society
- Perry Farmers Coop Exchange - by John H. Steichen
- The Schultz Stone Barn - by Eddetta Beier Grant
- Foster Corner Drug - by Mike Shannon
- Kemnitz Oil - by Noble County Genealogy Society
- Kumback Lunch - by Marilee Macias
- Perry Municipal Airport - by Noble County Genealogy Society
- Noble County Fairgrounds - by Noble County Genealogy Society
- Perry Livestock Exchange, Inc., - by Noble County Genealogy Society
- Perry Chamber of Commerce - by Noble County Genealogy Society
- Perry Carnegie Library - by Fred G. Beers
- Stillwater Milling Company - by Alice Fowler, President
- Perry's Saloon Era - by Rick Albin
- Saloons Perry, Oklahoma Territory 1893 - 1907
- Yaller Dog Saloon - by Eddetta Beier Grant
- Organizations and Clubs
- Perry Progress Club - by Noble County Genealogy Society and Donna Sorrell
- Perry Study Club - by Noble County Genealogy Society
- The Perry Rotary Club - by Tim Dolezal, 2006-2007 Club President
Chapter 5 - Schools of Noble County - page 62
- The First Half-Century of Perry Public Schools - by Cheryl DeJager
- Blaine High School - by Bruck Atkinson
- Rural Schools of Noble County - by Noble County Genealogy Society
- Barrett School District #81 - by Rosalie Bridges Kime
- Cooper School District #60 - by Ruby McNeal Gleason
- Lily School District #67 - by Eddetta Beier Grant
- New Hope School District #75 - by Delores Patak
- Pikes Peak School District #79 - by Bert Bezdicek
- Pioneer School District #40 - by Joan (Thiele) Miller
- Red Rock School - by Eddetta Beier Grant
- Rose Hill School District #32 - by Noble County Genealogy Society
- Rosenwald Elementary School - by Verona Johnson Southern
- Shiloh School - by Carolyn Frank
- Star School District #77 - by Noble County Genealogy Society
- Sumner School - by Melva Pancoast
- A Former Student's Reflections on Sumner School - by Faye Howell Richardson
- Sunny Slope School District #29 - by John H. Steichen
- Whipple School District #14 - by Donald Tetik and the Noble County Genealogy Society
- White School District #15 - by Virginia Wagner Slay
Chapter 6 - Churches - page 79
- Calvary Baptist Church - by Pastor Roger Dunn
- First Baptist Church of Sumner, Oklahoma - by Noble County Genealogy Society
- Ceres Christian Church - by Noble County Genealogy Society
- First Christian Church Perry, Oklahoma - by Shirley Morton
- German Methodist Church - by Virginia Ann (Rist) Pflum
- First Church of the Nazarene - by Vicky Mullins
- St. Mark's Episcopal Church - by Archie Moore
Chapter 7 - Military - page 84
- The Ellis-Jirous American Legion Post #53 - by Charles and Marjorie Martin
- Valter S. Ellis
- Frank Jirous
- Noble County First Quota of World War I Soldiers - by Noble County Genealogy Society
- Noble County Casualty List
Chapter 8 - Families - page 88
- Benjamin Franklin Abbott - by Patricia Abbott Day
- Christ Henry & Edith Adler - by Sharon (Adler) West
- George Aigner - by Verna Skouby
- Sebastian Aigner - by Zella Loveless Aigner
- Phil E. Albertson - by Mona Albertson
- Bob L. Albin - by Rick Albin
- E. L. Albin - by Bob Albin
- Benjamin Franklin Albright - by Anna Folsom Givens
- Earl George Albright - by Ann Folsom Givens
- William Douglas Albright - by Ann Folsom Givens
- John Louis Allen - by Gloria Brown
- Charles Edward Avery - by Stan Hodges
- Little (Frank) Babcock - by Carolyn Frank
- Henry James Bales - by Janet Bales
- Leopold Bamberger - by Eleanor Sherwood
- Franklin Baumgartner - by Ruth Grant
- Samuel Lawrence Bechtel - by Jo McGuire
- Ora Preston Beck - by Dr. Robert Matthiesen
- Frederick Gordon Beers - by Fred Beers
- Laura Belle Beers - by Fred Beers
- Edward Beier - by Eddetta Beier Grant
- Edward Jacob Beier - by Eddetta Beier Grant
- Emil Beier, Sr. - by Eddetta Beier Grant
- Charles Benjamin Berger - by Charlie's step-daughters, Jessie Shaw, Pauline Giles and Betty McCormick
- Enos Enock Berger - by George Loran, Thelma Burger, and Betty McCormick
- Jessie Moore Palovik Berger - by Palovik Daughters of Nevada
- Albert J. Bezdicek - by Bert Bezdicek
- William G. Blackburn - by David L. Blackburn
- Mathias John Blatt - by Janice A. Krejci and Charles N. Blatt
- John Alvin Bluethman - by Gloria Bluethman Fair
- Randy Ray Bluethman - by Randy Bluethman
- Alfred H. Boles - by Noble County Genealogy Society
- Phillip W. Boller, Jr. - by Virginia M. Wagner Slay
- Hugo Bolzinger - by Dorothy Vasek
- A. J. Bontrager - by A. J. Bontrager
- Gerald David Boyer - by Patsy Smithheisler
- Irma S. Boyer - by Eileen Boyer Gosset
- Leo Evert Brand - by Linda Brank Boyd
- Harry Briscoe - by The Noble County Genealogy Society
- Bartold Brorsen - by Catherine Loveless Brorsen
- Edwin Otto Brorsen - by Catherine Loveless Brorsen
- Leo Caine - by Noble County Genealogy Society
- Alexander Thomas Campbell - by Phoebe Wilson
- Roberta Carpenter - by Eddetta Beier Grant
- Mary Louisa (Roberts) Chessher - by Helen Richards and Madeline Younglove
- Inman Norman Chessmore - by Claude Chessmore
- Louis Claude Chessmore - by Hazel Chessmore
- Arthur Baxter Chesnut - by Ann Stadler
- Matthew Chesnutt II - by Ann Stadler
- Marian (Koch) Chitwood - by Marian Chitwood
- Claude A. Christie - by Geneva Christie
- George H. Christie - by Geneva Nichols Christie
- Anton Chrz - by Mary Lou Chrz
- Belle Maltby Chubb - by Chandace Mendoza-Lazzaro
- James Harry Clark - by Barbard Clark Lancaster
- Penelope June Edger Clay - by Velva Lucille Foster
- Alvin Randall Cockrum - by Sandy Cockrum
- Ronye Christian Cockrum - by Chris Cockrum
- DeWitt Pierson Coe - by Ethel Coe
- Ethel Delores (Groom) Coe - by Eltel Coe
- John Douglas Conley - by Carolyn Parker Maurice
- Dr. C. H. Cooke, M.D. - by Pat Sayre and Eddetta BeierGrant
- William George Coulter - by Evelyn (Coulter) Smith Dixon
- Abraham Cox, Jr. - by Dorothy J. Gum
- Jasper Newton Cox - by Dorothy Gum
- Erle F. Cress - by Paul W. Cress and told to Fred Beers
- Parker Williams Cress - by Paul Cress as told to Fred Beers
- Paul W. Cress - by Paul Cress as told to Fred Beers
- N. Belle Crosby - by Dorothy Twitchell
- Will & Lena Curtis - by Gail Payne
- Gene Paul Davidson - by Gene Davidson
- Floyd Thomas Davis - by Opal Davis
- Joe and Edith Dawson - by Thelma Lou (Lambert) Sughru
- William B. Day - by Del Gustafson
- Daniel & Barbara Deal - by Doris Smith
- Jason Trexler Deal - by Doris Smith
- Harry A. DeLashmutt - by Noble County Genealogy Society
- James Leroy Dickson - by Bob L. Albin
- James (Toby) Doyal - by Stan Hodges
- Christ & Augste Drager - by Dorothy Vasek
- Albert Drassen - by Grace Pinegar
- John J. Drassen, Jr. - by Leotta Talley
- Lommert Johnson Drassen - by Orville John Drassen
- John Dressen - by Doris Smith
- Rufus Newton Dunagan - by Katherine Murphy
- James Alva & Marie Duncan - by Hulda Henry
- Robert Walter (Bob) Duncan - by Rex Elliott Duncan
- Ross Hunter Duncan - by Rex E. Duncan
- John Douglas & Gertrude (Speer) Dunivan by Mary Ellen Coldiron
- Asbury Lockhart & Dorothy (Woodruff) Ebersole - by Sam Ebersole
- Samuel Kent & Clarice Jean (Goss) Ebersole - by Sam Ebersole
- Clarence & Matilda (Moore) Edgar - by Velva Lucille Foster
- Raymond Lawrence Edgar - by Velva Lucille Foster
- Paul Wesley Edmundson - by Wade Edmundson
- Johann Jergen Ekhoff - by Annabell M. Ritthaler
- Fred Emde - by Glen Seeliger
- Walter C. Endres - by Walter C. Endres
- Barnard P. Enright - by Linford H. Taylor
- Patrick Morgan Enright - by Linford H. Taylor
- David Emra Evans - by Arleta Evans Pulliam
- Lawrence Walter Evans - by Arleta Evans Pulliam and Catherine Robinson
- Paul & Louis Fehring - by Cindy Fehring Carr
- Folkert Reken - by Olva Feken
- Clark Field - by Janet Field Vincent
- Guy Webster Folger - by Ann McCormick Cooper
- William Abner Folsom - by Ann Folsom Givens
- Charles B. Forney - by Billie Ritchey
- Dick Harold Foster - by Velva Lucille Foster
- Joseph Thompson Foster - by Karen Sue Wilde
- Carl "Charlie" Frank - by Carolyn Frank
- Flora (Frank) & John Reiker - by Carolyn Frank
- Red & Ella (Pagel) Frank - by Carolyn Frank
- Frederick Frank - by Carolyn Frank
- Harry Frank - by Geraldine (Frank) Finley, Verna (Friend) Frank and Carolyn Frank
- Loyal Dena Frank - by Carolyn Duke Frank
- Rosa Frank and Gerald Cain - by Carolyn Frank
- Gerald W. Franklin, Jr. - by Gerald W. Franklin, Jr.
- Saide Lee Hendren Freman - by Dorothy Lee Freeman Brown
- Anna Belle Fyffe - by Patty Sue Davis Sherrard
- Marjory Jean Cress Gafford - by Fred Beers
- Horace Clifton Galaway - by Noble County Genealogy Society
- Augustus "Doc" Gallant - by Darrell Lee Gallant
- Fred William Gang - by Carolyn Gang Noltensmeyer (great granddaughter)
- Carrie Garrett - by Stan Hodges
- Charles Gatewood - by Carolyn Frank
- Garvin "Bus" Gatewood - by Caroloyn Frank
- George Dwayne Givens - by Ann Folsom Givens
- Thurman Givens - by Ann Folsom Givens
- Mary Margaret (Miller) Golden - by Marvin Golden
- Marvin Golden - by Margin Golden
- Anton Fred Gorath - by Agnes Gorath Lovekamp
- Virginia Elizabeth (Sherrard) Goss - by Jeannie Ebersole
- William Henry Gould - by Barbara Lavon Gould Tessmann
- William Jessie Graham - by Dorothy Twitchell
- Teddy J. Green - by Norman L. Green
- Glenwood Thomas Groom - by Ethel Coe
- Charles Grundeman - by Dorothy (Grundeman) Bowers
- Henry Theodore Grundeman - by Dorothy (Grundeman) Bowers
- Cal Hamblin - by Rick L. Albin
- Sam Hamby - by Norma Hamby Knott
- George N. Hansen - by Arlie M. Skov
- Elizabeth D. "Lizzie" Harper - by Noble County Genealogy Society
- James H. Henderson - by Marjorie Johnson
- Jonah H. Hendren - by Dorothy Lee Freeman Brown
- Irl Wayne Henry - by Hulda Henry
- Frank Hentges - by James F. Hentges, Jr. and Barbara Tessman
- James F. Hentges - by James F. Hentges, Jr.
- William C. Hentges - by Verl Hentges and Harlene (Hentges) Colen
- Nicholas William Heppler - by Linda (Heppler) McKeown
- Charles Newton Hetherington - by Marybelle Culver Carver
- John Homer Hetherington - by Cindy Fehring Carr
- James Lee Highfill - by James Lee Highfill
- Kathleen Mae Highfill - by Kathleen Mae Highfill
- Kenneth Deverl Highfill - by Kenneth Deverl Highfill
- Ed Hise - by Rick L. Albin
- Max Hise - by Rick L. Albin
- Claud Henry Hixon - by Carol Sullins
- Stan Hodges & Atkins Ancestry - by Stan Hodges
- Cecil Hoffman - by Martha Cowden
- David Joseph Hoffman - by Martha Cowden
- Davis Vail Hoffman - by Martha Cowden
- Earl M. Hoffman - by Martha Cowden
- Sven (Guy) Holboll - by Arlie M. Skov
- Martin Luther Holsinger - by Nona Lea Robers Osborn, granddaughter
- Dr. Delmar C. Hoot - by Noble County Genealogy Society
- Adam Hornberger - by Carolyn Frank
- Carl M. Humphrey - by Jewel Humphrey
- Carria Carter Humphrey - by Eddetta Beier Grant
- Christopher Columbus Humphrey - by Eddetta Beier Grant
- Jewel S. Humphrey - by Jewel Humphrey
- Osborne Hvolboll - by Arlie M. Skov
- Paulin Hvolboll - by Arlie M. Skov
- George Harrison James - by Geneva Nichols Ghristie
- Henry James - by Gerald L. Stubbs
- Benjamin P. Jantz - by Ruby E. Schultz Rutherford
- John Jens Jensen - by Jan Lawson
- Charles and Helen Jerome - by Helen Jerome
- Charles Frederick Jerome - by Helen Warren Jerome and Willa Mae Jerome Kanehl
- John Jirous - by Marvin Bud Jirous
- Leo L. Johndrow - by Linda Heppler McKeown
- Ludwig S. Johnson - by Verona Southern
- Thomas Scott Johnson - by Anna Jane Johnson Lesh
- W. W. and Alice Jones - by Sam R. Carpenter
- Adam and Emilie Karcher - by Elizabeth (Betty) Karcher Johnson and Eddetta Beier Grant
- Jacob Karcher - by Eddetta Beier Grant
- Wilhelm (Bill) Karcher - by Keith and Diana Karcher
- Mary (Hicks) Abbott Kearns - by Patricia Day
- Mary Ann Doyle Keating - by Vera Keating
- Bert Harry Kelly - by Marilyn Balcer and Alice Bayles Kelly
- Dewey Wayne Kelly and Genevieve Ionne Poulter Kelly - by Marilyn Balcer and Alice Bayles Kelly
- Ervin Ivan Kelly - by Alice Kelly
- Jack Wayne Kelly - by Alice Kelly
- Merle James Kelly - by Marilyn Balcer & Alice Kelly
- Ross Bert Kelly - by Marilyn Balcer and Alice Kelly
- John T. Kinnick - by Verona Southern
- William (Bill) Knight - by Lena Bell Beier
- Wayne F. Knori - by Sandra Rae Knori Cockrum
- George Washington Knott - by Otis Knott
- Thomas James Knott - by Otis Jack Knott
- Larry William Koch - by Larry Lock
- Anton Kodesh - by Marilyn Balcer
- Harold Fredrick Kukuk - by Melinda Carol Kukuk Jones
- Raymond Albert Kukuk - by Melinda Carol Kukuk Jones and Lillie Kukuk
- Garland W. LaFollette - by Charlotte Bowling
- Edker H. Lambert - by Carolyn Burns
- Lattin and Beckloff Families - by Patricia Day
- Elsie May Ruckman Lau - by Jeanie Endres Larsen
- Avis Leatherock - by Wesley A. Leatherock
- W. K. Leatherock - by Wesley A. Leatherock
- Joe Leigh - by Danny Barrick
- Leonard H. Littou - by Patsy Smithheisler
- Charlie Lovekamp - by Agnes Gorath Lovekamp
- Donald Leroy Lovekamp - by Carolyn Frank
- Herman Lovekamp - by Carolyn Frank
- George W. Loveless - by Zella Loveless Aigner
- Harlie Loveless - by Catherine Loveless Brorsen
- Earl Luthye - by Linda Luthye
- Charles Herbert Lynn - by Archie Herbert Moore
- Marilee and Tony Macias - by Marilee Macias
- Francis Michael Malget - by Joe Malget
- Josiah Maltby -by Candace Mendoza Lazzaro
- Charles E. Martin, M.D. - by Charles E. Martin. M.D.
- Marjorie Ann Billmeier Martin - by Marjorie Martin and Kathryn McCarthy
- Martin W. Mason - by Arlie M. Skov
- Andrew Matthiesen - by Andrea McCluskey
- Rex Andrew Matthiesen - by Dr. Robert Matthiesen
- Robert Lee (Bob) Matthiesen - by Dr. Robert Matthiesen
- John Henry McAlister, Jr. - by Patsy Smithheisler
- John Henry McAlister, Sr. - by Patsy Smithheisler
- James Sterline McCormick - by Ann Cooper
- Myrl Adolphus McCormick - by Ann McCormick Cooper
- Vera Fern Folger McCormick - by Ann McCormick Cooper
- Eda Mae (Nida) McCoy - by Eda McCoy
- William Arthur McDaniel - by Vivian White Rieman
- William Samuel McGuire - by W. S. McGuire
- Martie L. McQuain, Sr. - by Donna J. McQuain Richardson
- David Clement McQuiston Family - by Faye C. McQuiston
- John Joseph Metz - by Yolande Metz Farris
- Fredrick Wilhelm Mielke - by Jean Fratzke
- Dr. Starling Miller - by Joan Miller
- Wilfred J. Miller - by Danna Barrick
- August W. Moelling - by Dorothy Rist Gum
- George William Moelling - by Dorothy Rist Gum
- Harrison David Moncrieff - by Carole Moncrieff Spencer
- Archie Herbert Moore - by Archie Herbert Moore
- Archie Irven Moore - by Archie Herbert Moore
- Vern Jefferson Moore - by Martha Moore
- Edward M. Morris - by Earline Morris Winkler Lovely
- Trilby C. Morrison - by Eddetta Beier Grant
- William L. Murray - by James F. Hentges, Jr.
- Ben Nelson - by Marcella Yarborough
- Pete T. Nelson - by Marcella Yarborough
- Leonard Mathew Neuerburg - by Jean Lenelle Neuerburg Carrell
- Rachel Simpson Newsom - by Jerry R. Osborn
- Cecil P. Nichols - by Geneva Nichols Christie
- Ernest Hatton Nichols - by Gerald L. Nichols
- H. C. Nicholson - by Mildred Highfill
- Alfred Zeller Nida - by John Dean Nida
- Anna Louise (Zeller) Nida - by John Nida
- Bonnie Marie (Reed) Nida - by Viva Dean Nida
- Charles Curtis Nida - by John Dean Nida
- Ednie Veoria (E.V.) Nida - by John Dean Nida
- Elmer Eugene Nida - by John Dean Nida
- John Dean Nida - by John Nida
- Kenneth Edward Nida - by Viva Dean Nida
- Ralph Robert Nida - by Viva Dean Nida
- Viva Dean (Flanigan) Nida - by Viva Dean Nida
- Wayne Warren Nida - by John Nida
- Henry and Betty Nolte - by Betty Bolay Nolte
- Nolte Children - by Betty Bolay Nolte
- Leonard J. Noteware - by L. J. Noteware
- Mitchell Osborne - by Carole Moncrieff Spencer
- William Nelson Osborne - by Carole Moncrieff Spencer
- Charles A. Owens - by Carole Moncrieff Spencer
- Charles Frank Palovik - by Vivian Palovik
- Frank Steve Palovik - by Vivian Palovik
- Henry Leo Palovik - by Nevada Palovik Family
- John and Charlotte Palovik - by Delores Patak as told by Duane Palovik
- Joseph David (Joe) Palovik - by William Scott Jones IV grandson
- Stephan Palovik - by Delores Patak
- Betty Parli - by Carolyn Frank
- Charles C. Patak - by Delores Patak
- James Tillman Perryman - by James Tipton Perryman
- Martin Fredrick Piel - by Martin Roy Piel
- Judson Howard Pierce - by Noble County Genealogy Society
- Louis Monroe Pierce - by Noble County Genealogy Society
- Samuel Wesley Postelwait - by Eddetta Beier Grant
- William John Powers - by Walter S. Powers, Jr.
- Anton Prusa - by Noble County Genealogy Society
- Olin W. Randall - by Anna Lou Randall
- James Franklin Ranes - by Olive Henry
- Bertsel Walter Ratliff - by Barbara Anderson
- Henry H. Reynolds - by Noble County Genealogy Society
- Henry John Riehemann (Rieman) - by Vivian White Rieman
- Herman H. Riehemann (Rieman) - by Vivian White Reiman
- John C. Riehemann (Rieman) - by Vivian White Rieman
- Susanna Rupp Rieman - by Vivian White Rieman
- John Rist - by Dorothy Gum and Virginia Pflum
- Lena Forster Rist - by Dorothy Rist Gum
- Otto Peter Rist - by Dorothy Rist Gum
- Elizabeth Ellen Richardson Ritthaler - by Mary Ellen Smelser
- Martin Robinson - by Noble County Genealogy Society
- Paul Laverne (Buck) Rogers - by Mary Rogers
- Will Leroy Rogers - by Mary Rogers
- Nicholas Arthur Rolling - by Josephine Rolling Beckham
- Mary Ellen Clark Rorabaugh - by James Hamilton Carroll
- Emillie Wirzba Rupp - by Evelyn Rupp Williams
- George W. Rutherford - by Ruby Rutherford and R. J. Rutherford
- Rufus J. Rutherford - by Ruby Rutherford
- Dwight G. and Mary J. Rymer - by Peggy Robinson
- Nathan LeRoy Sams - by Pat May and Helen Sherman
- Michael Schiltz - by John Steichen
- Charles Schlehuber - by Norma Snell, revised by Kelles Schlehuber
- Adolph Seeliger - by Glen Seeliger
- Carl Seeliger - by Glen Seeliger
- John Cefas Shay - by Carolyn Gang Noltensmeyer (great-granddaughter)
- Miram Jackson Shepherd - by Mildred Rodriquez
- Miram Kerns Shepherd - by Mildred Rodriquez
- Edward L. and Olga Shiever - by Carolyn Frank
- Stephen Schiewe (Shiever) - by Carolyn Frank
- Leander Tracey Shockey - by Carol Sullins
- Anna Mae (Shockey) Marsh - by Carol Sullins
- Max Sinclair - by Joyce (Sinclair) Schulze
- William Joseph Skalenda - by Ron Skalenda
- William Skalenda - by Ron Skalenda
- Arnold Skov - by Arlie M. Skov
- Johannes Andreasen Skov - by Arlie M. Skov
- Virginia Wagner Slay - by Virginia Slay
- John Harrison Sloan, Jr. - by Arlie M. Skov
- James Clide Smelser - by Karen Sue Wilde
- Irwin Neil Smelser - by Mary Ellen Smelser
- William Elmer Smelser - by Karen Sue Wilde
- Carl Smith - by Darlene Smith Roads
- Jim E. Smithheisler - by Patsy Smithheisler
- Emmett A. Snodgrass - by Arleta Pulliam and Catherine Robinson
- Clarence Earl "Bud" Snyder - by Earline Cockrum
- Martin Snyder - by Earline Cockrum
- Andrew Jackson Spillman - by Mrs. Roland M. (Jolienne) Spillman
- Seth Raymond Spillman - by Hazel Chessmore
- Valentine Stalman - by Thelma Stalman-DeVilbiss
- Thelma Frances Stalman - by Thelma DeVilbiss
- Aloysius Anton Steichen - by Lorene Artman
- John M. Steichen - by John H. Steichen
- Nicholas Steichen - by John Steichen
- Nick Joseph Steichen - by Lucille Schultz
- Howard Stengle - by Carolyn Frank
- Almon Clark Stoddard - by Norma (Hamby) Knott
- Hans Stoltenberg Family - by Agnes Gorath Lovekamp
- Willard Edgar Stone - by Bill Stone
- Alfred Strom - by Marcella Yarborough
- Erwin Oscar Sullins - by Carol Sullins
- Wendell Eugene Sullins - by Carol (Hixon) Sullins
- Jasper Swisher - by Keith Mielke, with lots of help from his sister Jean Fratzke
- Ernest Tappe - by Margaret Tappe Seeliger
- Henry Tappe - by Margaret Tappe Seeliger
- Jacob D. Tautfest - by Margaret Tautfest
- Richard Lee Tautfest - by Margaret Tautfest
- Ernest B. Taylor - by Marilyn Rogers
- Gene Taylor - by Gene (Scoop) Taylor
- James M. and Louella Taylor - by Laura Friermood
- Linford J. Taylor - by Linford H. Taylor
- Gustav H. and Elsie Thiele - by Norma Thiele Peine
- Wayne and Berta (Frank) Thomas - by Carolyn Frank
- Fay Thompson - by Peggy Haxton
- John and Gwenneth Rugh (Beck) Thompson - by Gwenneth Beck Thompson
- Kenneth Thompson - by Peggy Haxton
- Moody E. Thompson - by Virginia L. Thompson
- Jim Tobin - by Eva Tremper
- John and Almeda Tobin - by Delores Patak
- Irene McCune Treeman - by Noble County Genealogy Society
- Randy and Nancy (Koch) Treiner - by Nancy Claire (Koch) Treiner
- Anna Lucille (Nida) Updike - by John Nida
- Newell Wesley Vance - by Margie Bowers and Norma Yowell
- Mertie Juanita (Melton) (Karcher) Vick - by Roger Vick
- Roger Kenneth Vick - by Roger Vick
- Wilhelm and Sophia Voise - by Bernice Voise Schieffer and Ernest E. Voise
- Hannah Leonard Waggoner - by Zenna Waggoner Wright
- Dominick Wagner - by Virginia Wagner Slay
- Emil Edmond Wagner - by Virginia Wagner Slay
- Joseph Nicholas Wagner - by Leo J. Wagner
- Josephine Remacle Wagner - by Virginia Wagner Slay
- Nicholas Joseph Wagner - by Mrs. Rob (Juanita) Bolay
- Sister Ann Joseph Wagner - by Virginia Slay
- Sister Mary Leo Wagner - by Virginia Slay
- Scott Orlando Wakeman - by Edna Wakeman Frueh and Opal Wakeman Thompson
- Ed Warner - by Noble County Genealogy Society
- Edgar (Ed) A. Warner - by Mabel Eby
- Willard W. Warner - by Glenda Sue (Warner) Bragg
- L. A. (Bud) Warren - by George R. Warren
- Hugh A. Waters - by Betty Waters
- Otto Wentzel - by Marjorie B. Martin and Kathryn Elyse (Martin) McCarthy
- Clarence W. Wheeler - by Delores (Palovik) Patak
- John Montgomery and Anna Theresa (Rooney) Whitley - by Patricia Day
- Dr. William Clayton Whittenberg - by Carolyn Frank
- Herbert S. White - by Vivian White Rieman
- John Silas White - by Vivian White Rieman
- Fred and Fredricka Wilde - by Eddetta Beier Grant
- George and Adella Will - by Eldon Will
- Elizabeth Treeman Willems - by Gloria Brown
- George Willett - by Genevieve W. Slade
- Clark Arthur Williams - by Melva Hoskins
- Christian Wyler (Wiler) I and Anna Maria March (Merz) - Alta Belle Ruby Wiler Simpson
- Charles Marden "Wink" Winkler - by Earline Morris Winkler Lovely
- Charley Otto Wyler - by Alta Wiler Simpson
- Jacob Fred and Estella Edith Luehe Yahn - by Glenn Yahn
- Alexander Reid Youree - by Kevin Hoopes
- Gerald W. and Beverly D. Cook Zemp - by Gerald Zemp
- Joseph and Maggie Zemp - by Carolyn Frank
- Paul Henry Zemp - by Cynthia Hembree
- Emma "Anna" Zondler - by Virginia Pflum
- Gottlob Friedrich Zondler - by Virginia Pflum
- Gustav "Adolf" Zondler - by Virginia Pflum
Addendum - Corrections for History of Noble County, Oklahoma: Volume I - page 452
- Delmar Mason - by Delmar Mason
- John Hamilton Mason, Sr. - by Barbara Mason