History of Noble County Oklahoma Volume I
The History of Noble County, Volume I is a quality hard bound edition containing 427 pages.
Chapter I - Indian Territory
- Early History of Noble County
- Cattle Trails Across Oklahoma
- Indians in Noble County
- Ponca Indians
- Otoe-Missouria Indians
- A.T. & S. F. Railroad
- Indian Allotments in Noble County
- Lawmen and Outlaws
Chapter 2 - Opening the Cherokee Strip
- Boomers and Sooners
- Opening of the Outlet
- Registration Booths
- The "Run" of September 16, 1893
- Birth of Perry
- Congressional Investigation
Chapter 3 - County Activities
- Sports
- Politics
- 101 Ranch
- Early Oil Fields
- County Agents
- Homemakers' Groups
- Garden Clubs
- Highway Department - Division Four
Chapter 4 - Townships of Noble County
- Legal Land Descriptions
- Township Life in Noble County
- Rural Life
- Townships of Noble County
- Auburn
- Autry
- Black Bear
- Buffalo
- Bunch Creek
- Carson
- East Bressie
- Glenrose
- Lowe
- Missouri
- Noble
- Oakdale
- Otoe
- Red Rock
- Rock
- Santa Fe
- Walnut
- Warren Valley
- Watkins
- West Bressie
- White Rock
Chapter 5 - Communities Past and Present
- Perry
- Perry Newspapers
- Perry Schools
- Downtown Perry (1920s-1930s) by Johnnie L. Tilman
- Perry Fire Department - by Lois M. Moore
- Churches
- First Baptist Church - by Betty L. Ripley
- St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church
- Christ Lutheran Church - by Dorothy Bowers and Marge Martin
- Church of Christ - by Clarence M. Koch, Jr.
- First Presbyterian Church of Perry - by Irene Treeman
- Mt. Olive AME Church
- Zion Lutheran Church - Perry, Okahoma - by Darlene Roads
- Stagecoach Community Theatre
- Perry Lions Club
- Ladies Tuesday Afternoon Club - by Irene Treeman
- Perry Brush and Pallette Club
- Poor Boys Club - by O. B. Campbell
- Cherokee Strip Museum and Henry S. Johnston Library - by Mrs. Charles F. Malzahn
- White School District #15 - by Virginia Wagner Slay
- Billings - by Mildred Highfill
- Billings Catholic Church - by Dorothy Hines Mercing
- Morrison - by Mildred Highfill
- Morrison Baptist Church - by Chester Speer
- Morrison United Methodist Church - by Alta Marie Frick
- Marland - by Mildred Highfill
- Marland United Methodist-Christian Church - by Nell Lewis
- Sumner - by Mildred Highfill
- Lucien - by Mildred Highfill
- Ford - by Helen Ratliff
- Lela - by Pauline Nichols
Chapter 6 - Businesses
- The Charles Machine Works, Inc.
- Citizen State Bank - Morrison
- Exchange Bank - by George Hall
- Sooner Power Plant - by Dave Raybern
Chapter 7 - Families
- Allen I. Acres - by Helen L. Morrison
- Francis M. Allen - by Violet Allen Folger
- William Akers - by Pauline (Akers) Nichold
- Howard Anthis - by Callie Anthis DeVilbiss
- Madison Anthis - by Calllie Anthis DeVilbiss
- Max Baetz - by Joan Miller
- Fred Balduff - by Mildred Highfill
- Abraham L. Banta - by Dorothy Tipps
- Almeda Bartow - by Mina Bartow
- Charles T. Bartow - by Mina Bartow
- Carrie Bay-Swelander - by Ruby Saxbee
- Joseph Bay - by Gene F. Bay and Glenn Bay
- Nicholas J. Beach - by Kathy Bradford
- William G. Bean - by Luther E. Bean
- Abner C. Beck - by Abner C. Beck
- Fred W. Beers - by Fred G. Beers
- Alvina Karcher Beier - by Eddetta Beier Grant
- Edward Beier - by Eddetta Beier Grant
- George D. Bellmon - by Henry Bellmon
- Henry Bellmon - by Henry Bellmon
- Leo E. Bellmon - by Edna Bellmon
- Barbara Benes - by Alice Benes
- Charles Benke - by Mary H. Sommars
- Benke Sisters - by Mary H. Sommars
- Joseph Bolay - by Gertrude Bolay
- Edward S. Bowles - by Marjorie Bowles
- William M. Bowles - by Mary Maughan
- Clarence Eugene Branson - by Mildred Highfill
- Jens Breinholt - by Mrs. Thelma Holmes
- Daniel D. Brengle - by Marcia W. Dunn
- William B. Brengle - by Mildred Highfill
- James Brier - by Marjorie Brier Cramer
- Doris Ann Bronner - by Doris (Petermann) Bronner
- Napoleon B. Bryant - by Laura Pitts
- Lula May Bush - by Frances Bush Lynn
- John M. Carpenter - by Sam Carpenter
- Carpenter Brothers - by Sam Carpenter
- Arthur B. Carrier - by Melvern S. Rupp
- Frank J. Carrier - by Mrs. Ed J. (Doris) Brown
- Rebecca Schaffer Cartwright - by Dorothy Durkee
- Florian W. Cermak - by Joe Cermak
- Frank Chace - by Charles W. Chace
- Calvin William Cheek - by Joe Highfill
- Clark B. Chenoweth - by Dorothy Ewy
- Star Steven Chenoweth - by Libbie G. Chenoweth Norton
- Neils C. Christensen - by Libbie Gean Morton
- Charles Christoph - by mrs. Ted Newton
- Albert Pierce Clark Sr. - by Elnora Sappington
- James W. Chessher - by Thelma Bittman
- Thomas J. Coate - by Joe Highfill
- Walter J. Coate - by Joe Highfill
- Charles F. Cockrum - by Dorothy Cockrum
- James E. Cockrum - by Mrs. Lavern (Bill) Goilliver
- Guy Coffman - by Wayne Coffman
- Daniel F. Coldiron - by Kenneth Coldiron and Kara Lee Eikleberry
- Daisy Lemon Coldiron - by Kenneth Coldiron and Kara Lee Eikleberry
- Kenneth K. Coldiron - by Kenneth K. Coldiron
- Cliff Collins - by Florence Denslow
- Martin L. Collins - by Pauline Nichols
- Elsie Ocie (Collins) Akers Coombs - by Pauline (Akers) Nichols
- John F. Cordell - by Midred Highfill
- Peter J. Cordes - by Thelma Bittman
- Arthur Covey - by Wendell Sullins
- Byron Covey - by Wendell Sullins
- Jasper Newton Cox - by Sue Roberts
- Robert E. Cox - by Robert Cox
- Edward J. Coyle, Sr. - by Pearl Vivian
- William Penn Craig - by Jane Harnden
- Martin L. Crowder - by Gail Johnson
- Rosa LaDue Dailey - by Mildred Highfill
- James R. Dale - by Mildred Highfill
- John R. Darmer - by Clara Darmer Shelton
- Florence Denslow - by Florence Denslow
- Wiley W. DeVilbiss - by Callie Anthis DeVilbiss
- Edson DeVilbiss - by Callie Anthis DeVilbiss
- Ray DeVilbiss - by Callie Anthis DeVilbiss
- Martin Diehm - by Erma Stockton Diehm
- Henry Ellis Domeny - by Helen Ratliff
- William T. Downey - by Lucille Downey Frank
- Thomas H. Doyle - by Mildred Highfill
- John F. Dronberger - by Lawrence Dronberger
- Rufus N. Dunagan - by Rufus N. Dunagan II
- Basil Dundas, Sr. - by Ellen Mae Gower
- Thomas J. Dunivan - by LaWanda Dunivan
- George C. Durbin - by Gail Johnson
- George Burton Durkee - by Mary E. Durkee
- Charles Durkee - by Dorothy Durkee
- George Durkee - by Charles Durkee
- Rodney Horace Durkee - by Charles Durkee
- Willard Durkee - by Charles Durkee
- George W. Eby - by Frank Eby
- J. W. (Buck) Eldridge - by Mildred Highfill
- Monroe Elgin - by Margaret E. Smith
- William P. Emick - by Katherine (Emick) Frank
- Edward U. Engler - by Alta (Engler) Proctor
- John Ewy - by Dorothy A. Ewy
- Paul Ewy - by Dorothy Chenoweth Ewy
- Peter Ewy - by Patty Ewy Bible
- John R. Fairchild - by Mildred Fairchild Fisher
- George L. Faragher - by Florence Denslow
- Benjamin R. Fillmore - by Mr. and Mrs. Julius V. Holsinger
- Delbert Foltz - by Mary Lou Foltz
- John Pearl Foreman - by Valinda Sullins
- George A. Foster - by Mildred Highfill
- Joseph P. Foucart - by Mildred Highfill
- Christ Frank - by Dorothy Vasek and Rosie Crane
- Eugene Frank - by Lucille Frank
- John Frank - by John Frank
- Willie Wendel Herbert Frank - by Katherine (Emick) Frank
- W. E. Franklin - by Linda Ratliff
- Frederick-Cook - by Gloria Frederick Cook
- Clarence Frederick - by Gloria Frederick Cook
- Fred Frederick - by Gloria Frederick Cook
- John Eugene Frick - by Alta Marie Frick
- Burdette Garvie - by Marilyn (Garvie) Kerr
- Harry Gengler - by Gertrude Gengler
- Peter Gengler - by Gertrude Gengler
- Thomas Jefferson Gilbert - by Marjory Gilbert LeMaster
- Thomas Thompson Gilbert - by Marjory Gilbert LeMaster
- George Gipe - by James Gipe
- Ulysses G. Goe - by Marie Goe
- Theogore C. Goley - by Gladys Sherman
- George L. Golliver - by Mrs. Lavern Golliver
- Dale Grange - by Glenda Grange
- Robert Grant - by Myron Grant
- Laton J. Hall - by George W. Hall
- Ora R. Hall - by George W. Hall
- Robert Lee Halsey - by Mary E. Durkee
- Samuel T. Harlow - by Gertrude Hartung Lockett
- Claude Hartung - by Gertrude Hartung Lockett
- Clarence O. Hartung - by Gertrude (Hartung) Lockett
- Gladys Hartung-Hostutler - by Gertrude Hartung Lockett
- Gertrude Hartung-Lockett - by Gertrude Hartung Lockett
- John A. Hartung - by Gertrude N. Lockett
- R. G. Hay - by Violet L. Hay King
- Henry Hayne - by Valinda Sullins
- Gordon Hayton - by Jannis Culver
- William Hayton - by Jannis Culver
- Samuel Arthur Hayward - by Verda Hayward Hay
- Thomas J. Hendrick - by Roy W. Hendrick
- Joseph Herbert - by Virginia Graves
- Manuel Herrick - by Mildred Highfill
- Charles N. Hetherington - by Vadella (Hetherington) Carroll
- Benjamin F. Hicks - by Mildred Highfill
- John Highfill - by Mildred Highfill
- Lowell C. Highfill - by Mildred Highfill
- Russell C. Highfill - by Joe Highfill
- Dan Hines - by Dorothy (Hines)Mercing
- Stan Hodges - by Stan Hodges
- John Lemon Holmes - by Mrs. Walter Dunn
- William C. Hook - by Libbie G. Chenoweth Norton
- Oliver H. Hovey - by Mildred Highfill
- Ena May Howard - by Eddetta Beier Grant
- Joseph W. Howard - by Eddetta Beier Grant
- Charles Huene - by Mrs. L. B. Daniels
- Clinton S. Huffington - by Wilbur Huffington
- Carl M. Humphrey - by Jewel Humphrey
- Christopher C. Humphrey - by Eddetta Beier Grant
- Jewel S. Humphrey - by Jewel Humphrey
- Charles A. Hunter - by Madge Hunter
- John Wilson Ivers - by Sophia Dahlberg
- Betty L. James - by Betty (Ewy) James
- Henry L. James - by Helen (James) Frank
- Richard James Jelinek - by Goldie Jelinek
- Mansfield Jerome - by Willa Mae Kanehl
- Henry L. Johnson - by Gail Johnson
- Robert C. Johnson - by Berta Kemnitz
- Ethel L. Johnston - by Mildred Highfill
- Henry S. Johnston - by Mildred Highfill
- Ernest W. Jones - by Mildred Highfill
- Homer C. Jones - by Mildred Highfill
- Pleasant A. Jones - by Wilma (Jones) Maxwell
- Christin Just - by Melvern S. Rupp
- Joseph Z. Keaton - by Mildred Highfill
- Hattie Gang Keele - by Vangie Keele Clendenin
- Sam Keele - by Vangie Keele Clendenin
- Charles Kemnitz - by Bertha Kemnitz
- Elias M. Kennedy - by Sara Kennedy
- Hazel Eby Kennedy - by Perry Daily Journal
- Jacob S. Kent - by Norma Snall
- Arthur "Shorty" Kerr - by Patricia Kerr McEachern, Mona Kerr Peters, and James Michael Kerr
- David Kerr - by Patricia Kerr McEachern, Mona Kerr Peters, and James Michael Kerr
- Coke Kerr, Jr. - by Jeanie McCray
- Lottie Acers Keyser - by Helen L. Morrison
- Perry I. Keyser - by Helen Morrison
- George Kihega - by Perry Daily Journal
- James Kirkendall - by Paula Nichols Kirkendall
- Charles T. Kirtley - by Clarence M. Koch, Jr.
- William H. H. Kirtley - by Clarence M. Koch, Jr.
- Abraham Koch - by Clarence M. Koch, Jr.
- Clarence M. Koch, Jr. - by Clarence M. Koch, Jr.
- Delbert Koch - by Clarence M. Koch, Jr.
- Harry Koch - by Bonnie Koch Roberts
- Henry Koelzer - by Gertrude Gengler
- Kukuk Brothers - by Jo Kukuk Ehler
- Samuel Elmer Laird - by Marjorie Bowles
- Samuel E. Laird Children - by Margorie Laird Bowles
- Joseph McGinley Laird - by Margorie Bowles
- Edwin C. Lane - by Harvey Lane
- Ray J. Laughlin - by Nona Wetzel
- Wesley W. Learned - by Velda Y. Zimmerman
- Emilie LeBus - by Mildred Highfill
- John Lesh - by Anna Jane Lesh
- Jack D. Lewellen - by Helen Marie Lewellen
- Conrad J. Lindeman - by Ruth Queen
- H. A. (Cotton) Linn - by Kathrine Linn
- Fred G. Logan - by Awynne Logan Wilkey
- Mabel Hillman Logan - by Awynne Logan Wilkey
- Oscar W. Long - by Mildred Highfill
- Frank W. Loula - by Lila Loula Pritchett
- Hartsel Love - by Linda Ratliff
- Ophie Love - by Linda Ratliff
- Davis Main - by Agnes King
- Homer E. Main - by Nell Main
- John Thomas Marshall - by Sophia L. Dahlberg
- Edwin R. Martin - by Alive Mae Svelan
- James Alva Masheter - by Isora (Masheter) Downey
- Delmar Mason - by Delmar Mason
- Perry Mason - by Barbara Mason
- George A. Masters - by Mildred Highfill
- John Mason - by Barbara Mason
- John Hamilton Mason, Sr. - by Barbara Mason
- Andrew Matthiesen - by Andrea McCluskey
- Lyman B. McClure - by Bob McClure
- James McCluskey - by Dorothy Long
- William H. McCormick - by Catherine Gideon
- John McCroskey - by Vernon B. McCroskey
- Zack H. McCubbins - by Mildred Highfill
- James C. McFarland - by Viola McFarland Wylie
- Jane Walker McKinney - by Marjorie Bowles
- James W. McMeekin - by Marjory Gilbert LeMaster
- Joe Merriman - by Audrey Carter
- William Merriman - by Audrey Carter
- Emma Thiele Mielke - by Eleanor M. Kummer
- Edward J. Miller - by Ruth Queen
- J. M. Milligan - by Clark C. Milligan
- William Mills - by Bertha (Mills) Passow
- Sampson M. Mitchell - by Beatrice Grim
- Edward D. Moelling - by Eldon Moelling
- John H. Moore - by Joe Highfill
- William N. Moore - by W. M. (Nev) Moore
- William W. Moore - by Mildred Highfill
- Dick T. Morgan - by Mildred Highfill
- Helen L. Morrison - by Helen Morrison
- Everett C. Mosena - by Betty Mosena
- Paul C. Mosena - by Betty Mosena
- George H. Mouser - by Wilbur G. Mouser
- Lewis F. Neal - by Helen Marie Lewellen
- Frank J. Neuerburg - by Charlotte Palovik, Josephine Timmons and Marguerite Gordon
- Hellen (Pricer) Neuerburg - by Hellen Neuerburg
- George A. Newton - by Mrs. Ted Newton
- Ted Newton - by Mrs. Ted Newton
- Lloyd Nichols - by Pauline Nichols
- Raymond Nichols - by Raymond Nichols
- William Nichols - by Geneva Christie
- John W. Oakley - by Mary Louise Allen
- Prior A. Overbey - by Opal Daniels
- James D. E. Owen - by Adella Owen Will
- John R. Owens - by Mrs. W. R. (Agnes) King
- William F. Passow - by Norman Passow
- Willselm F. Paulsen - by Betty Mosena and Goldie Jelinek
- Robert Lee Pender - by Glenda Grange
- J. Thomas Pennington - by Audrey Carter
- Joseph Petermann - by Doris Bronner
- Ernest A. Petermann - by Doris Bronner
- Christian Pfeiffer - by Kathrine Linn
- John F. Pfeiffer - by Kathrine Linn
- George Pfrimmer - by Ethel Shoop
- Corinne Pierce-Riney - by Kathy Bradford
- Charles E. Pierce - by Kathy Bradford
- Clarence L. Pierce - by Kathy Bradford
- George G. Pierce - by Kathy Bradford
- Ora Pierce-Hixon - by Kathy Bradford
- Napoleon Poland - by Mrs. e. M. (Edna) Barnes
- George Stuart Prather - by Thelma Holmes
- Albert L. Pricer - by Harold A. Pricer
- Austin Pricer - by Hellen Neuerburg
- John P. Pritchett - by Callie Anthis DeVilbiss
- Lila Loula Pritchett - by Lila Loula Pritchett
- Tharon H. Province - by John H. Province
- Leopold Radgowsky - by Mildred Highfill
- Albert C. Ratliff - by Jessie Lee Ratliff
- Carrol Ratliff - by Linda Ratliff
- Erwin Earl Ratliff - by Helen Ratliff
- Hansel Ratliff - by Mrs. Maurine Sheets
- Jay Carol Ratliff - by Jessie Lee Ratliff
- Mickey Ratliff - by Linda Ratliff
- Orla Ratliff - by Orla Ratliff
- Dorothy Swanson Reilly - by Dorothy Swanson Reilly
- John J. Reilly - by Leo Reilly
- Ellen T. Renfrow - by Dr. W. Frank Renfrow
- Thomas Franklin Renfrow - by Dr. W. Frank Renfrow
- John Elmer Rhea - by Dorothy Durkee
- Bartholomew Ringler - by George W. Hall
- Elmer E. Ripley - by Betty L. Ripley
- Lewie S. Ripley - by Betty L. Ripley
- A. L. Ritthaler - by Kathryn Ritthaler
- Frank F. Ritthaler - by Mary Ellen Ritthaler Smelser
- Jacob Ritthaler - by Doris Bronner
- John Ritthaler - by Laura H. Ritthaler
- Lucille Ritthaer-Graham - by Lucille Graham
- Ludwig Ritthaler - by Darlene Roads
- Rest of the Ritthalers - by Darlene Roads
- John Robedeaux - by Perry Daily Journal
- Ray Robinson - by Frances Ribonson Lynn
- Henry Jacob Rupp - by Rena Rupp Carrier
- Jacob Rupp - by Rena Rupp Carrier
- Frank M. Sanders - by Lucille Sanders Payne
- Joseph M. Sanders - by Dorothy Tipps
- Maximillian Schaffer - by Catherine Schaffer Menke
- Christ Schieffer - by Marie Ewy
- Christian Joseph Schieffer - by Marie Ewy
- Ludwig Schiewe - by Hattie Shiever and Rose Stengle
- Charles Schlehuber - by Norma Snell
- George William Schlehuber - by Frankia Story
- Henry Schomaker - by Harld A. Pricer
- Anton Schwartz - by Maxine Endicott
- John Scott - by Mary Louise Allen
- John w. Sears - by Charles Sears
- Frederick C. Seids - by Mildred Highfill
- Edward Benjamin Shaw - by Frankia Story
- Orrin F. Shaw - by Frankia Story
- James H. Shehi - by Helen Gardner Gottschalk
- D. Theodore Sherrard - by Marceil S. Phillips
- David Sherrard - by Mary Ann Sherrard
- Larry David Sherrard - by Sue Sherrard
- Ralph E. Sherrard - by Mary Ann Sherrard
- Stephen Shiever - by Rosie Shiever Stengle
- May Belle Shinn - by Marjorie Bowles
- Lincoln Grant Shoop - by Mary Louise Allen
- Peter Smith - by Darlene Roads
- Loren J. Snodgrass - by Loren Snodgrass
- Josef Sokol - by Clarence M. Koch, Jr.
- Joe John Soulek - by Marie Ewy
- John L. Soulek - by Marie Ewy
- Clarence C. Space - by Lois Strickland
- Ellen V. Speer - by Gertrude Speer Dunivan
- Lawrence Speer - by Chester Speer
- Joe Spillman - by Hazel Chessmore
- Samuel St. Clair - by John St. Clair
- Azor J. Stackhouse - by Henry Stackhouse, Jr.
- Henry A. Stackhouse - by Henry Stackhouse, Jr.
- Jessie T. Stanley - by Thelma Bittman
- Luther T. Stockton - by Erma Stockton Diehm
- John A. Streller - by John A. Streller
- Abraham Stotts - by Lawrence LaVerne Emmons
- Alfred L. Strickland - by Ether Malget
- Lazarus P. Stumpff - by Marjorie Brier Cramer
- John Pinkney Sullins - by Darrell Sullins
- Oscar L. Sullins - by Darrell Sullins
- William M. Sullins - by Forrest Sullins
- Victor Albert Swanson - by Dorothy Swanson Reilly
- Charles Swearingen - by Gladys Swearingen
- O. T. Swearingen - by Dean Gilbert
- Clem T. Talliaferro - by Mildred Highfill
- Monroe Tsa Toke - by Sharon Courtright
- Andrew Jackson Testerman - by Bessie (Testerman) Hopkins
- Eli Thomas Testerman - by Mildred Highfill
- Josh H. Testerman - by Bessie (Testerman) Hopkins
- Herman Thiele - by Joan Miller and Peggy Gottschalk
- Otto Thiele - by Joan Thiele Miller
- Charles S. Thomason - by Helen Marie Lewellen
- S. Emma Thomason - by Helen Marie Lewellen
- Addie May Thompson-Burns - by Addie May Burns
- Aurelia Thompson-Hamilton - by Aurelia Hamilton
- Bertha Thompson-Roseborough - by Berthy Roseborough
- John A. Thompson - by Bertha Roseborough
- James M. Thompson - by James Monroe Thompson
- Edward L. Thompson - by Betha Roseborough
- Homer Thompson - by Bertha Roseborough
- J. A. Thompson - Children - by Bertha Roseborough
- Estell Thompson - by Alice Ruge
- John N. Thompson - by Zethyl LeStourgeon
- Claude O. Travis - by Claude O. Travis
- Marquis D. Tucker - by Mrs. Donald H. Hooper
- Walter F. Turner - by Mrs. Elton (Elizabeth) Turner
- William M. Turner - by Meva Turner Artall
- Charles Van Arsdell - by Nina Ball
- F. M. VanBebber Children - by Jack F. VanBebber
- Francis M. VanBebber - by Jack F. VanBebber
- Jack F. VanBebber - by Jack F. VanBebber
- Russell E. VanBuskirk - by Cheryl (VanBuskirk) Kerr
- Anton Vasek - by Dorothy Vasek
- Orlando Walkling - by Mildred Highfill
- Robert H. Wall - by Mrs. James D. Elder
- William A. Warner - by Lucile W. Plumer
- Milo W. Watson - by Milo W. Watson
- Eugene C. Webb - by Ladene Webb
- Julian E. Wells - by Howard Wells
- Roy H. West - by Minnie West Worrell
- Emery E. Westervelt - by Mildred Highfill
- George P. Westervelt - by Mildred Highfill
- Leo M. Wetzel - by Non Wetzel
- Tom Wetzel - by Nell Coldiron
- Washington Whitlow - by Jannis Culver
- Julius Widiger - by Hattie (Widiger) Shiever
- Eldon Will - by Eldon Will
- William Karl Fredrick Will - by Adella Owen Will
- Nathaniel H. Wilson - by Anita Ann Brown
- Margaret E. Winkler - by Dorotha J. Winkler
- Maxine Winkler-Parks - by Dorotha J. Winkler
- Gus C. Wollard - by Mary Lee Campbell
- Mary Wollard - by Mary Lee Campbell
- James L. Wood - by Mrs. Ted Newton
- Bradford J. Woodruff - by Dorothy Ebersole
- Marsh B. Woodruff - by Marcia W. Dunn
- Calvin L. Young - by Velda Young Zimmerman
- Charles A. Young - by Charlene Young Hechler
- Charles A. Young Children - by Charlene Young Hechler
- Eliza Jack Young - by Velda Y. Zimmerman
- James Young - by Velda Y. Zimmerman
- Margaret Black Young - by Velda Y. Zimmerman
- Anna Honegger Zimmerman - by Velda Young Zimmerman
- Charles B. Zimmerman - by Valda Y. Zimmerman
- Emil H. Zimmerman - by Velda Y. Zimmerman
- Velda Young Zimmerman - by Velda Young Zimmerman